Thursday, April 16, 2009

Restaurant: Urbane

So I've been reading Michael Pollen's "The Omnivore's Dilemma" this month, and it has got me really thinking about a lot of issues, eating locally being one of the main ones. Gwen and I found this ad for a restaurant called "Urbane" by the Paramount theater that features locally grown foods.  I think I might try and give it a shot.  Perhaps you will see a restaurant review soon for this place --->

Anyways, I think I am also going to try and devote myself better to shopping at farmers markets, though it's kind of tough when living at home and the parents enjoy filling the fridge with their crazy Chinese foods...  Michael Pollen brought up a lot of interesting points about the foods we eat and why we eat them.  It's made me rethink a lot of my eating and shopping habits.   I'll try to summarize my favorite parts of the book in another entry.  Maybe later, when it doesn't feel like I'm doing homework... :)


  1. Touma and I are SO excited to bake the bread!!!!

  2. Michael Pollen! I read "In Defense of Food" and it basically changed my life (hence the food blog). He is really inspiring!
