Tuesday, August 4, 2009


Zucchini is growing like crazy in our yard. We think they are growing a couple inches a day - I also think the hot heat is the cause of it, but I'm not complaining.. yet. They are delicious, but also must be consumed rather quickly.

from right to left: cilantro, zucchini, tomoatoes, flowers, thai basil, basil, flowers, sunflowers, basil, rosemary

haha just cuz. ^^

From Nancy Leson's blog, I swiped a recipe for Crispy Zucchini and Shrimp pancakes. My pancakes turned out a little too salty (too generous with the salt & fish sauce) but other than that, they were tasty, and reminiscent of Korean seafood pancakes :) MMMM.

in the makings. the sauce on the left is of soy sauce, rice vinegar, white wine, and chili oil.

the crispy edges are my favorite. i wish the whole thing could be a delicious crispy edge.

I also made a pasta dish with zucchini by first frying slices of zucchini in butter/"evoo", garlic powder, sliced king mushrooms, and some "leen ouw" - I don't know the name for it but it has lots of holes inside and is a crunchy root. Then I sauteed some shrimp in garlic, deglazed with white wine, and added in some Trader Joe's 3 cheeze tomato sauce, which is delicious! Boiled up some spinach/garlic fettuchini I got from Pike Place, and when the pasta was almost done, added it to the sauce to soak up all the deliciousness. It was tasty, especially for lunch the next day. No pix of this but maybe next time!

Need to find some more recipes for zucchini but I think zucchini bread is up next.


  1. Wow, looks delicious! I like seeing the sunflowers in front of the house too. Next time you're with Wei, you need to educate her on why we should be using EVOO. She bought a big jug of canola from Costco :(

  2. I think you are describing lotus root, my fav!
